Table of Contents

Growth Columns

Use growth data to:

  • Make fair comparisons across subjects, grades, courses, and years
  • Find areas of strength and areas that need improvement

The table below gives general information about the growth columns and links to more in-depth information.

Column NameGlossary DefinitionWhere to Find More Information
Growth IndexA measurement of the certainty that the group of students met, exceeded, or fell short of expected growth.Understanding the Growth Index
Growth Measure

A conservative estimate of the growth that students made, on average, in a grade and subject or course.

Growth Measures And Standard Errors
Standard ErrorA measurement that establishes a confidence band around the VVAAS growth measure and describes the certainty that the group of students met, exceeded, or fell short of expected growth based on VVAAS calculations.Growth Measures And Standard Errors
Growth Measure PercentileA value that represents where the growth measure for the group of students falls in the distribution for this assessment.Understanding the Growth Measure Distribution
Student CountThe number of students included in the analysis. The student count is included in the standard error calculations.Understanding the Student Count