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Understanding VVAAS Accounts

Extra Permissions

In addition to regular report access, extra permissions can be added to users' accounts. Super account holders can add these extra permissions when they create or modify accounts. Some of the extra permissions can be added to or removed from multiple accounts at one time from the list of accounts that is displayed when you click Admin.

To update multiple accounts, check the box next to each account you would like to modify, then select the appropriate option from the drop-down list above the table of user accounts, and click Update.

The following table summarizes both the default permissions for each account type and the optional permissions, which can be added by the local super account holder. Default permissions are in bold; optional permissions, which the super account holder can assign, are in gray.

Account TypeAccount Management

Super division

All division users and super schools in own division

Division user


All division users and super schools in own division

Super school

School users in own school

School user


School users in own school